
Frequently Ask Questions

What courses does IICRS offer?
IICRS offers courses in Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Data Management, Clinical SAS, Pharma Business Analytics, Regulatory Affairs, and IPR & Patents.
How long are the courses at IICRS?
The duration of courses at IICRS varies depending on the specific program, ranging from a few weeks to several months.
Are the courses at IICRS job-oriented?
Yes, all courses at IICRS are designed to be job-oriented, focusing on practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge.
Do you offer assistance with internships or volunteering opportunities?
Yes, we connect students with internship and volunteer programs to gain practical experience and build their network.
Does IICRS offer placement support?
Absolutely, IICRS provides robust placement support to help students secure employment opportunities in the pharmaceutical and clinical research industries.
Do you guarantee job placement after completing the course?
We don't offer guarantees, but we provide dedicated placement support through career counseling, resume building workshops, and job interview preparation. We help students in searching jobs and getting job interviews
What are the job prospects for each online course you offer?
We provide detailed information on expected job roles, industries, and average salaries for each program.
Is e-Learning better than Classroom learning?
While both have merits, E-learning offers ultimate flexibility: lets you learn at your pace, anywhere, anytime. Save time and ditch relocation costs. Cool tech keeps you engaged, and experts are on-demand. You control the learning journey, boosting independence and time management skills. Classroom can't quite compete with that freedom!
Who are the trainers at IICRS?
The trainers at IICRS are senior and experienced industry professionals with extensive backgrounds in their respective fields.
What is the mode of learning at IICRS?
IICRS offers live e-learning programs, allowing students to participate in interactive sessions from anywhere in the world. Courses at IICRS are conducted live, enabling real-time interaction between students and instructors.
Are your courses certified?
Varies by program. Some offer industry-recognized certifications, while others equip you with practical skills valued by employers.
What is the course duration and schedule?
We offer flexible options like full-time, part-time, and online formats depending on the program. Contact us for specifics.
Do I need any prior experience or qualification to enroll?
Entry requirements vary per program. Check individual course descriptions or contact us for details.
What software and tools are used in the training?
You'll gain hands-on experience with industry-standard software relevant to your chosen field.
What kind of companies do you have partnerships with for placements?
We have established relationships with leading companies in the life sciences, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare sectors.
Does IICRS provide assistance in obtaining education loans?
Yes, IICRS assists students in obtaining interest-free education loans through banks and financial institutions.
How does the interest-free education loan work?
We partner with banks and financial institutions (FI) to offer eligible students interest-free loan options. Details regarding eligibility, loan amount, and repayment terms vary depending on the partner.
What are the eligibility criteria for the interest-free loan?
Please contact our admissions team or visit our website for specific partner and program eligibility requirements.
What documents do I need to apply for the interest-free loan?
The required documents vary depending on the partner FI. Our admissions team will guide you through the process.
How can I get started with the enrollment process?
Visit our website, contact us via phone or email, or schedule a counseling session to discuss your options.
If my question is not listed here. What should I do?
Explore our website: Packed with helpful info, the search bar is your friend.
Call our team: We're happy to chat! Phone number is [insert number here].
Fill the enquiry form: Let us know your question, and we'll respond quickly.
Social media & blog: Follow us for tips and FAQs!

Discover your path to success with IICRS career-focused programs. Benefit from personalized attention, expert instructors, and unparalleled placement support. Shape your future today – Acquire Program Details for an enriching educational journey.